Robert Zafft

A Kodak Moment Memorable for the Wrong Reasons

Five ex-Kodak executives collected millions of dollars selling stock options they didn’t own. Then the story gets worse. (Under)statement from Mr. Know-It-All In a press (under)statement, Kodak Finance Chief David Bullwinkle (yes, Bullwinkle) said that the company had discovered deficiencies in its controls that had failed to prevent the unauthorized issuance of the company’s stock. …

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Ethical Contracting by Design

Ethical contracting doesn’t just happen. You have to think through each side’s business goals and vision for the relationship, as well as contractual incentives and processes to keep the parties working together. Many thanks to Leadership Talk Series Host Manish Pathak for a great conversation! For those interested in a battle-tested approach to deal-making and …

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The Mystery of the Compliance Hotline

COVID shifts compliance-hotline calls in weird ways. Can you solve the mystery? Yesterday, I spoke with the Director, Ethics & Compliance of a major U.S. manufacturer. She told me that calls to her company’s compliance hotline have not lessened, but the wrongdoing has shifted from fraud and harassment to COVID protocol violations. At the same …

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Goldman’s Fiddler-Crab Clawback

Resembling fiddler crabs, senior Goldman executives seem to take with the giant claw, and to give back with the tiny one. A previous post described Goldman Sachs getting hit with over $5 billion in fines and disgorgement sanctions. These penalties relate to two senior Goldman bankers’ participation in a multi-billion-dollar bribery and embezzlement scheme. Taking …

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