Wells Fargo — The Grift That Keeps on Giving


“Robert lights the path to ethics and integrity with wit and humor”
Marcus McDaniel
VP & Deputy General Counsel, Terminix

Finding Ethics
in an

Audiences love interactively discovering the basic
frameworks that drive ethical business conduct

From a list of 10 passengers in an overcrowded
lifeboat, the audience must choose four people to
throw overboard – and explain why

Participants gain knowledge and confidence in
applying the frameworks that drive ethical

“Simply brilliant. Using the Lifeboat Game to teach ethics was an
extremely effective way of challenging my thought process”
Ndidi Uzo-Ojimadu
Univ. of Calgary

“You Deal,
You Die,” the
Godfather and
Warren Buffett
on Reputation

Many people dismiss business ethics as a crunchy-
toasty topic of small practical relevance. “The real
world,” they say, “is pure Machiavelli: dog eat dog”

Robert rebuts this argument by comparing the
world’s most feared mobster, Carlo Gambino, and
its most successful investor, Warren Buffett

Audience members gain insight into why, in
Buffett’s words, businesses “cannot afford to lose…
even a shred of reputation,” as well as what
reputation-guarding rules owners and managers
must set for all employees

“Everything you [Robert] say is accurate.”
Warren Buffett
CEO, Berkshire Hathaway

Social Value’s
Rewards &

Corporate Social Value has become a key
component of performance and reputation

With heightened expectations come both
opportunity and risk

How can you and your company scoop up the
rewards while skirting the pitfalls?

“One of the best webinars I have experienced with World CC. Great panel,
great moderator, great topic”
World Commerce & Contracting Event

The Acid Test
of Leadership

How can your organization tap into “the ultimate
energy available on this planet” ?

The answer is culture

Successful cultures make employees feel that doing good job is about more than a paycheck: it’s about expressing who they are as individuals 

It’s about building and enjoying self-esteem

The keynote reveals the tools and rules great leaders
deploy to build great organizations

“Robert helps business leaders develop and maintain a
culture that values ethics and reputation.”
Mark Enyedy
CEO, Immunogen

The Ethical
The Acid Test
of Leadership

How can your organization tap into “the ultimate
energy available on this planet” ?

The answer is culture

Successful cultures make employees feel that doing good job is about more than a paycheck: it’s about expressing who they are as individuals 

It’s about building and enjoying self-esteem

The keynote reveals the tools and rules great leaders
deploy to build great organizations

“Robert helps business leaders develop and maintain a
culture that values ethics and reputation.”
Mark Enyedy
CEO, Immunogen
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Talk with Robert about Your keynote goals

“Simply amazing platform and message! The most interactive webinar I’ve

“Simply amazing platform and message! The most interactive webinar I've.
attended…with many thought-provoking ethical takeaways. It was
Renee Suby
Director, US Bank

Robert Zafft

The Right Way To Win
Video Clips of Robert’s Stories from Ethics Experts

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